Colombia Stem Specialty Coffee

76,00 lei264,00 lei

Colombia is the second largest producer of Arabica coffee after Brazil. The origin of 100% Arabica coffee guarantees the quality of a complete coffee

Aromatic notes

Lime Lime
Apple Apple
Cacao Cacao
High malic acidity High malic acidity
Tropical fruit Tropical fruit
Medium creamy body Medium creamy body
Berry Berry
Candy like Candy like
High sweetness High sweetness

Taste profile

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 6424532 kg

Taste the flavour

We launch an invitation for your company’s representative to visit us at our Showroom in 22 Decembrie Boulevard, No. 35B, Oltenita City, Calarasi County, for a coffee tasting.

+40 721 661 199